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Dear UHPNM Members,

We are excited to announce the upcoming elections for UHPNM officers. This is your opportunity to elect leaders who will represent your voice and lead our union for the next two years. Please read the Nomination Form and Nomination and Election Notice.

Important Dates

  • Nov. 22, 2024 - Official opening of nominations 
  • Dec. 4, 2024 - Deadline to submit nomination forms (5 PM)
  • Dec. 5, 2024 - Announcement of candidates
  • Dec. 15, 2024 - In-person voting at UNMH and SRMC (11 AM to 10 PM) 
  • Dec. 16, 2024 - In-person voting at UNMH and SRMC (7 AM to 7 PM) 

The following positions are open for election

  1. President
  2. Executive Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer  
  5. Vice President At-Large 

Read the full nomination and election notice for all of the details and use the nomination form to nominate candidates for these positions.

Press Releases

January 28, 2025 

Healthcare Unions Endorse Safe Patient Staffing Bill

United Health Professionals of New Mexico and District 1199NM strongly endorsed a safe patient staffing bill today that requires hospitals to establish committees to create nurse-to-patient staffing ratios to ensure improved medical outcomes and help reverse nurse burnout and dangerous turnover.

Read the full press release

October 13, 2024

United Health Professionals of New Mexico Ratify Contract Agreement

Members of the United Health Professionals of New Mexico ratified a contract with the University of New Mexico Sandoval Regional Medical Center, the union announced today, saying it is the first step in improving patient healing conditions and working conditions at UNM SRMC.

Read the full press release

October 11, 2024

UNM SRMC and Union Reach Tentative Contract Agreement

Negotiators for the University of New Mexico Sandoval Regional Medical Center and the United Health Professionals of New Mexico reached a tentative contract agreement, the union announced today.

Read the full press release

All press releases

In the News

September 23, 2024
SRMC union holds public forum with lieutenant governor as more claims of retaliation arise 
The day before the United Health Professionals of New Mexico and Sandoval Regional Medical Center were set to go to the table for the first time to negotiate for a collective bargaining unit, the union held a round table/community forum at The Hub with Lt. Governor Howie Morales and several nurses from SRMC.

September 18, 2024
Rio Rancho Observer: SRMC union holds public forum with lieutenant governor as more claims of retaliation arise 
The day before the United Health Professionals of New Mexico and Sandoval Regional Medical Center were set to go to the table for the first time to negotiate for a collective bargaining unit, the union held a round table/community forum at The Hub with Lt. Governor Howie Morales and several nurses from SRMC.

September 18, 2024
Sandoval Signpost: Community leaders show support for health care workers union
The United Health Professionals New Mexico, which represents University of New Mexico Sandoval Regional Medical Center workers, hosted a community forum in Rio Rancho on Sept. 17 to discuss the hospital’s quality of care and accountability. Lt. Gov. Howie Morales, state Rep. Kathleen Cates and County Commissioner Katherine Bruch were among the guest speakers for the UHPNM forum.

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Did you know? For every extra patient assigned to a nurse, the risk of patient death increases by 7 percent? SAFE STAFFING leads to SHORTER HOSPITAL STAYS and FEWER COMPLICATIONS for patients. Our state can lead the way in patient safety - SUPPORT HB138, THE NEW MEXICO PATIENT SAFETY ACT!

New Mexico: It's time to make patient safety a priority. HB138, the New Mexico Patient Safety Act, Will Ensure Safe Nurse-to-patient Ratios, Leading To: Fewer Medical Errors Better Patient Outcomes + Safer Work Environments For Healthcare Nurse Burnout Is Real! Hospitals With Unsafe Staffing Have Higher Nurse Turnover, Leading to Staff Shortages and Poorer Patient Care. Safe Staffing = Safer Patients & Healthier Nurses! Support HB138. The New Mexico Patient Safety Act - Because Our Patients Deserve Better. Patient safety starts with safe staffing. Studies show that proper nurse staffing reduces medical errors, infection rates, and readmissions. Our patients deserve safe and quality care. Let's fight for HB138 The New Mexico Patient Safety Act! A stretched-thin healthcare team = Higher risks for patients. SAFE STAFFING LAWS SAVE LIVES. IT'S TIME FOR NEW MEXICO TO PRIORITIZE PATIENT SAFETY AND NURSE WELL-BEING!

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